Conservative Leader That Works for Us.

"Though lacking any political experience, I ran for State House because I believed that we needed new, conservative leadership. We needed new ideas and a public servant, not a career politician, who would stand up for, and be accountable to, the people.

I am blessed with a wonderful, loving family, and I have a good professional career. Public service has been a worthwhile sacrifice, as I have a passion to serve this community and protect our conservative values. And since I have a career and don’t need political office to maintain a living, I believe I am well-positioned to vote my conscience and truly represent our district. In short, I am freely able to represent my constituents, not compromise my ideals just to keep a job.

When I first ran for office, I promised you that I would provide a new conservative voice for our families– that I would be effective in providing accountable, limited government that never forgets it works for you. In my time as your Representative, I have kept my promises and delivered for you."
Lower Taxes
As a CPA, I understand the devastating effects of high taxes on both our families and businesses. Individuals know best how to spend their money and create jobs - not the government.

Reduce personal income taxes so our families have more money to make ends meet. Eliminate corporate income taxes to attract jobs. Implement a simpler sales tax to ensure everyone pays their share to reduce income taxes.

Attract Jobs
It's time to get our economy working again. The only way to do so is to create jobs and get our families back to work. Georgia must be the number one state in the country for business and job creation.
  • Eliminate corporate income taxes.
  • Reduce regulations and cut red tape.
  • Protect our schools in Northeast Cobb and Southeast Cherokee while improving education in Georgia.
  • Reduce traffic congestion.
  • STOP OBAMACARE. Obamacare will bankrupt our small businesses and cause thousands of more job losses in Georgia. In addition, once implemented, Obamacare will add over $500 million to Georgia's state budget. We must do everything in our power in Georgia to fight implementation of Obama's socialized healthcare plan. It will kill jobs, destroy our healthcare system, and hurt our families.

Limit Government
Government should be limited and accountable. Further expand zero-based budgeting at the state level to (1) eliminate unnecessary spending increases and (2) find and cut wasteful government programs.

Prioritize Spending
Cut waste and limit government spending to the rate of population growth and/or inflation.

Protect Our Values
You have my word that I will protect our conservative values every day in the State House. That isn't a talking point for me. Words have meaning, and you can trust me to vote that way.
  • I am 100% pro-life (endorsed by Georgia Right to Life). You have my word, I will support efforts to protect life from conception to natural death, no matter what.
  • I will protect the sanctity of marriage.
  • I will protect our 2nd Amendment rights. We need to expand our 2nd Amendment rights, not limit them. I will oppose any liberal efforts to trample upon our right to bear arms.

Improve Education
In the State House, I have been a champion for education to ensure every child has the opportunity to succeed. I have been a leader for school choice to ensure every child has the opportunity to receive a world-class education by giving them options if they are in a failing school. Last year, I led the effort to increase tax exemptions and increase caps on tax credits for Student Scholarship Organizations to help students wanting to attend private or charter schools.

This year, I was proud to help pass the largest teacher pay raise in state history of $3000 per year. The raise will go to all certified educators. He knows that our public school teachers deserve our thanks and we must attract and retain the very best educators.

Finally, I helped lead the charge to fully fund state funding of our public schools for the first time in over a decade for two years in a row.

I will continue to work to protect our schools, improve schools around Georgia and protect our state universities and technical schools in order to create a skilled workforce to attract new jobs to Georgia.

As a product of Georgia's K-12 public education system, I know there's nothing more important to our children and attracting jobs to Georgia.

Where is District 46? Click here to see a full map.

Property Tax Appeals
The values of our homes and commercial property have fallen dramatically during this recession. As a result, please be sure that the Tax Assessor in your county is appraising your home or commercial property accurately and fairly.

Property Tax Exemption Forms
Click on the links below for:
  • Homestead Exemptions
  • School Tax Exemptions
  • Elderly Tax Emption

Tours of the State Capitol
I am honored to give tours of our State Capitol to Boy Scout and Girl Scout Troops, school groups, senior citizens, etc. Please call my legislative office for further information.

Flag flown at Capitol
Flags flown over our State Capitol make a great gift to recognize an individual or organization.
If you would like to receive a flag flown at our State Capitol, please call my legislative office for further information.

Resolution from the GA House of Representatives
We can also write a House of Representatives Resolution to honor, recognize and commend individuals, groups, schools, etc.

Examples include:
  • Schools and churches in our community
  • Citizens who have made a significant, positive impact on our community
  • Students with a specific academic, athletic or extracurricular achievement
These Resolutions come with a State of Georgia seal and arrive in a protective, black folder suitable for presentations.

If you would like a Resolution from the GA House of Representatives, please contact my legislative office.

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